Modern agriculture faces huge challenges related to environmental protection. Growing ecological awareness and increasingly restrictive legal regulations force farms to use innovative solutions, especially in the field of storing natural and mineral fertilizers.

Sustainability in agriculture: how modern storage technologies support the green economy?

Modern agriculture faces enormous environmental challenges. Growing environmental awareness and increasingly stringent legislation are forcing farms to use innovative solutions, particularly in the storage of natural and mineral fertilisers. 

The problem is significant, with the July 2024 GIOŚ report showing that of the 1,369 farms inspected, 10.03% (90 farms) store manure inappropriately and 8.84% (121 farms) store it near surface water. Research by the Land Reclamation Institute has shown that almost 20% of groundwater near farms that store fertilisers incorrectly may be unfit for drinking. 

Environmental challenges of modern agriculture 

Intensification of agricultural production brings with it a number of environmental risks. The key challenges currently facing the agricultural sector are:

  • Protection of surface and ground water against pollution 
  • Minimising atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases 
  • Efficient use of farm space 
  • Optimisation of nutrient utilisation 
  • Reducing economic losses due to improper fertilizer storage 
  • Adaptation to changing climatic conditions 

Modern storage technologies supporting the ecology 

Technological developments have brought significant changes in the way substances used in agriculture are stored. The new generation of UAN tanks and slurry tanks use advanced materials and technical solutions that significantly improve environmental safety. 

Innovative material solutions 

Today’s storage systems use high-quality composite materials that are characterised by: 

  • Tightness 
  • Mechanical resistance 
  • Durability under various weather conditions 
  • Neutrality to stored substances 
  • No building permit requirement 

Environmental aspects 

Modern storage systems make it possible to significantly reduce the negative impact of agriculture on the environment. Mobile tanks allow flexible management of farm space while maintaining the highest safety standards. 

Available solutions on the market 

The current market offers a variety of storage systems: 

  • Traditional concrete tanks – durable and weatherproof, but require significant investment, building permits and a permanent location, 
  • Metal surface tanks – easier to install than concrete tanks , but require regular maintenance due to corrosion risk and sealing issues, 
  • Membrane lagoons – economical solution for larger farms, but occupy large area and are subject to the high restrictions of the EU Nitrogen Directive, 
  • Flexible mobile tanks – modern solution made of durable composite materials, offering leak-proof, mobility and quick installation without building permits,  
  • Underground storage systems – do not take up floor space, but are associated with high installation costs and difficult access during maintenance,  

Among these, flexible storage systems, which combine the advantages of different solutions, deserve special attention. An example is the products offered by domestic manufacturers, characterised by high quality workmanship and competitive pricing. 

Legal regulations and environmental standards 

Under current legislation, farms must comply with a number of strict requirements for fertiliser storage. A key element is to ensure adequate storage capacity, which must be adapted to the size of the farm and its production. Storage systems must be fully tight and resistant to changing weather conditions, which is regularly verified during technical inspections. Keeping detailed records of fertiliser management is also an important aspect. All these requirements are aimed at protecting the environment and ensuring the safe storage of substances used in agriculture. 

Development perspectives and trends 

The future of agricultural storage is moving towards increasing integration with comprehensive farm management systems. We are seeing the rapid development of intelligent monitoring systems that enable the parameters of stored substances to be constantly monitored. In parallel, automated dosing solutions are being developed to optimise fertiliser use. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of technologies that allow for better nutrient utilisation, resulting in reduced losses and greater farming efficiency. All these innovations are designed to maximise environmental protection, a priority in the development of modern agriculture. 


Modern storage technologies play a key role in the development of sustainable agriculture. Investment in advanced storage systems is not only a legal requirement, but above all a responsible approach to environmental protection. The mobility and flexibility of the new solutions allows optimum use of farm space while maintaining the highest standards of environmental safety. 

When choosing a storage system, it is worth considering the long-term environmental and economic benefits. Modern solutions, although they may initially appear to be quite the expenditure, in the long term translate into real savings and increased management efficiency. 

Piotr Melerski